Before & After

Dave Hoh's Home Comfort & Energy Experts Before & After Photos

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Chimney Fire Hazard in Neptune, NJ

This is a common site in attics. Fiberglass insulation in direct contact with a metal chimney. This is not in conformance with building codes and is a fire hazard. Dr. Energy Saver division of Home Comfort & Energy Experts corrected by installing insulation retaining dam with proper clearances.

Attic Ventilation in Neptune, NJ

This before picture is a common site in attics and shows what is suppose to be a soffit vent completely stuffed and blocked with fiberglass insulation. This reduces attic ventilation and greatly increases the chance of having condensation on the roof deck in the winter, causing roof rot and mold. The after picture is of properly installed soffit vent baffles installed, along with outside top wall plate foam sealed. This prevents wind wash and allows us to install insulation at full depth at out side walls.

Attic Insulation in Neptune, NJ

The before picture show attic with approx 6" on average fiberglass insulation in an attic flat. This has approx 2.5% gaps, voids and depressions and is functioning at approx R-9 value. The after pictures shows same attic with approx 14" of Cellulose insulation which fills all the exisitng cracks, gaps and voids. Now insulation is an effective R-60.      Cellulose is much healthier for humans, improves fire ratings, reduces noise and greatly improves indoor air quality. This is like pulling a big wool blanket over the house, keeping it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer!!

Attic insulation Installed in Neptune, NJ

The before picture shows an attic knee wall in Neptune, NJ. This is typical in Bi-level homes.  The original insulation provided no effective insulating value and no air sealing, allowing air to move through the assembly. This caused very cold and hot walls in the conditioned space adjacent. The after picture shows the same walls sheathed with 2" R-13 foam board, with all the seams sealed airtight. The result is approx R-21 performance and now the walls are not cold and hot.

Attic insulation in Neptune, NJ

Before pictures shows an attic in Neptune, NJ with some scattered plywood used for storage and no insulation.

The after picture shows several key items:#1 a properly installed insulated storage deck with insulation retaining dams, #2 approx 17" R-60+ cellulose insulation installed after attic plane air sealing and #3 A range vent hood terminated to the exterior. This home is much more comfortable and energy efficient.