Old Fiberglass Insulation
Exposed fiberglass insulation is doing next to nothing to insulate the attic.

Poorly Ventilated Attic
We can see possible moisture build up on the wood indicating bad ventilation in the attic. Also the old fiberglass insulation is dirty which is a sign the attic is not air sealed.

Attic Not Air Sealed
This image is before we started the project. The plywood or attic floor is not air sealed or insulated properly. We dense-packed (with our TruSoft Cellulose Insulation) and air sealed (with ZypFoam sealant) this floor.

Finished Right Corner Attic
We created retaining walls to contain our TruSoft cellulose insulation. Next we used orange ZypFoam sealant to air seal the attic floor and we also dense-packed underneath the attic floor with out TruSoft insulation.

Finished Left Corner Attic
Looking to the back left we can see black baffles vents. Baffles keep ventilation channels open. Plastic spacers are installed between rafters in the attic to maintain a vent space beneath the roof surface after new insulation is installed.

Properly Insulated Attic
This attic is air sealed with orange ZypFoam sealant and insulated with TruSoft Cellulose insulation with an R-Value of R-60.