🌞 Beat the Heat & Stop Being Baked

The summer heat is blazing, and your home shouldn't feel like an oven! If your AC is constantly running to beat the heat but your home remains uncomfortable, the issue could be due to poor insulation, an unsealed attic, or poorly insulated and leaky ducts. These factors can vary widely in their impact. When your AC doesn't shut off, it not only strains the system but also leads to higher energy bills and an uncomfortable home.

At Dave Hoh's Home Comfort and Energy Experts, we're here to help you stay cool and comfortable, no matter how high the temperature climbs! The best part, it doesn't matter what type of system you use to cool or heat your home. We utilize building science to tighten up all homes, providing the clean indoor air quality you deserve. By properly insulating and sealing your home, we make it more energy-efficient and comfortable.

Stay cool this summer with Dave Hoh's Home Comfort and Energy Experts! Contact us today for a free consultation.